Investing More Time In My Skincare Routine

Hair And Skin Care Tips When You Are Going Through Chemo

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Chemotherapy is one of the primary treatment options for most cancer diagnoses. If you are currently being treated for cancer with chemotherapy, you may have noticed that you are experiencing issues with hair loss, skin problems, or feeling flush and overheated. These are all considered to be normal, though definitely bothersome, side effects of chemotherapy. However, just because these are common side effects of chemo treatments, this does not mean that you cannot try to combat those symptoms as much as possible to get some relief while you go through chemo.…

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A Breakdown Of Common Deodorant Ingredients - And Why You Should Avoid Them

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Conventional deodorants contain a slew of toxic chemicals, which is scary when you consider that deodorant sales bring in approximately $18 billion per year. You can avoid the dangerous ingredients found in traditional deodorants by switching to one that features a natural formula, but you might want more information to decide if that’s really the best option. Review the facts about common deodorant ingredients below so you can make an informed decision about whether to switch to a natural deodorant.…

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Nit, Egg, and the Other: Three Natural and Effective Solutions to Kill Lice

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It’s possible that your child will contract head lice at some point; it is estimated that six to twelve million children in between the ages of three and eleven get head lice every year. Getting rid of these little blood suckers can make you cry just as much as it makes your child cry, if not more. Many parents shy away from over-the-counter lice treatments because of the high levels of pesticides they contain; luckily, there are several at-home remedies you can use that are safe and effective.…

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